Profile Data

Access Public Data from LinkedIn Profile pages in the structured template with MagicalAPI’s Profile Data Service for business insights.

LinkedIn Insights
Data Analytics
Profile Intelligence

How Does It Work?

Type Profile URL

Start by inputting the LinkedIn profile URL of the individual or organization you're interested in. This is your gateway to accessing a wealth of public data for strategic analysis and insight gathering.

Data Collection and Analysis

Our service then goes to work, meticulously extracting available public data from the specified LinkedIn profile. This process is powered by advanced algorithms that ensure comprehensive and accurate data retrieval.

Leverage Insights

Once the data is collected, you have the flexibility to export it in JSON format for easy integration with your systems. Additionally, you can copy the data directly, allowing for immediate use or further customization according to your analysis requirements.
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Features of service

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Case studies and Resources

Got question?

No worries, we’ve got answers.

What is Profile Data?

Profile Data service extracts public information from LinkedIn profiles, offering detailed insights for strategic analysis and decision-making.

How to Export Data?

Easily export extracted LinkedIn profile information in JSON format, facilitating straightforward integration with your systems.

What Information is Retrieved?

Our service covers all public accessible data fields on LinkedIn profiles, including work history, education, skills, and more, providing a comprehensive overview.

Who Can Use This Service?

Ideal for businesses, researchers, and marketers seeking in-depth insights into professionals and industry trends for informed decision-making.

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